1. Tamahome | Fushigi Yuugi Wiki - Fandom
Tamahome is a very single-minded individual for the most part. At first his drive is his family - they are all encompassing to his attitude to life.
"Thanks is nice, but money is better." —Tamahome Tamahome (鬼宿), real name Kishuku Sou (琮 鬼宿 Sō Kishuku, or Cóng Guǐxiù), is the first Suzaku warrior Miaka meets and has the character "Ogre" on his forehead. He appears to be obsessed with money, but only wants to use it to support his family. Tamahome is a very single-minded individual for the most part. At first his drive is his family - they are all encompassing to his attitude to life and everything he does is for their benefit, even to the po

2. Uruki | Fushigi Yuugi Wiki - Fandom
Uruki (女宿), birth name Rimudo Roun (ロウン·リムド, Roun Rimudo), is a Celestial Warrior of Genbu and one of the main characters in Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden ...
Uruki (女宿), birth name Rimudo Roun (ロウン·リムド, Roun Rimudo), is a Celestial Warrior of Genbu and one of the main characters in Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden. He is the first Celestial Warrior that Takiko Okuda, the Priestess of Genbu, meets; they become lovers and eventually husband and wife. His power is wind, which he controls by turning into a woman. Rimudo’s character arc is that of redemption. The crown prince of Hokkan with a tragic backstory, Rimudo loses everyone he loves but eventually beco

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Nuriko – Fushigi Yuugi. Nuriko is the middle child of a ... While the series contains many great characters, from the studly Eren to the mysterious ...
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If I had a nickle for every time a female yōkai called Yukimura was underutilized and treated badly by narrative and creators, I would have 2 nickles. Which isn ...
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